I’m Not Crafty, Am I?

Crafts are not my cup of tea.  And while I sometimes find myself gazing at haphazard items made from the bare hands of those who do have the talent to warp, transform or otherwise create something out of seemingly nothing, I never really had a desire to be crafty…until this weekend. Continue reading

Top 5 Reasons I Love Lists

According to the Laboratory of Neuro Imaging, the average human being processes approximately 70,000 thoughts per day (www.loni.ucla.edu).  Yes, 70,000…PER DAY!  Here is thought 70,001; how in the hell are we supposed to remember toilet paper, milk, the ergonomic safety meeting right after lunch on a dull Tuesday, and to take the trash out to the street so you don’t miss another week?  The answer; lists, lists, lists.  Continue reading

Happy Birthday Son


You’re two today!  Exactly 1 year, 6 months, 12 weeks, 50 days, 672 hours, and 29,520 seconds ago, you entered this world and took your first breath.  Me and your mommy’s eyes were teary, the rush of adrenaline from the anticipation of your arrival was pure, and my dreams of us playing football in the backyard when you got older were vivid.  Our one and only son, you, had finally arrived. Continue reading

Life is Simple…Keep it Simple!

“Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else. The trick is the doing something else.” –Leonardo da Vinci

English: Casa Leonardo, the house where Leonar...

Image via Wikipedia

I do not have the answer to the question “what is life?”. To be honest, I never tried to find the answer to this question; maybe I know I am not that intelligent to find the answer. But my approach towards life is very simple. I believe life is very simple; we humans make it complicated by our desires. So, why make life a complex one, by knowing that we can keep it simple? I am not sure this attitude will make you successful in life or not; but I can guarantee you this attitude will help you to be happy. Continue reading

Guest Appearance

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been toying with an idea.  An idea I think is brilliant, yet I didn’t know how to approach it, how to go about implementing it, and most importantly, if anybody else would buy into it.  Overall it seems to work out for most people so why not me?  Sir Elton John and Eminem pulled it off at the 2006 Grammy’s.  Former United States’ presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton were able to do it in 2010 after an earthquake pummeled Haiti.  And on April Fool’s Day 1997, Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak and Jeopardy host Alex Trebek made it work as well.  Continue reading

Creative Capture Blogging Award Acceptance

Nothing is more thrilling than being awarded for something you’ve done.  Whether it’s because you earned a straight A report card, won a championship game, or are simply recognized for a job well done; awards by their very nature are, how should I put this; awesome!  Not only are they awesome but they have an incredible knack for rejuvenating, inspiring, and most importantly, motivating the nominee to continue their good deeds.  And after sifting through my inbox this morning, I learned I was nominated for yet another award, this one totally and unequivocally unexpected.  This morning I received the Creative Capture Blogging Award by Just Ramblin’ Pier. Continue reading

I Won!

We all dream of it.  Financial freedom, the ability to travel at will, the cars, the mansion, vacation houses, butlers, jewelry, the ultimate man (or woman) cave, your own posse, and a laundry list of other haphazard ideas that are associated with the life alternating experience that is the lottery.  And after months and months of pressing my luck and wasting my money, it has finally paid off.  I finally won! Continue reading